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Un Libro di Vittorio e Michele Frangilli

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The book The Heretic Archer is distributed world wide by the following companies:

Win & Win Archery Co.
820-9 Donghang-Ri, Yangsung-Myun
Ansung-Shi, Kyunggi-Do 456-931

Phone: +82 31 671 0898
Fax :    +82 31 671 0897
E-mail: win@win-archery.com

JVD Distribution
Van Shaghenstraat 6-8
5154 PG Elshout

Phone: +31 4163 77112
Fax : +31 4163 78141

Quicks The Archery Specialists
18-22 Stakes Hill Road
Waterlooville - Hampshire P07 7JF

Phone +44 (0)23 9225 4114
Fax +44 (0)23 9225 1519
E-mail: quicks@quicks.com



  Availability to be confirmed


Other  Companies that would like to become Distributors of the book for available areas  should contact COPIN SRL at the following e-mail address.


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Copyright © 2005 L'Arciere Eretico
Aggiornato il: 08 settembre 2011